The Genies SDK has a multiplayer framework for developers to create multiplayer Experiences.
📄️ Overview
Multiplayer games have multiple types but they do share in common that players interact with other players.
📄️ Asynchronous Multiplayer
Asynchronous multiplayer is when players interact with each other from separate server rooms such as playing chess by passing moves back and forth.
📄️ Synchronous Multiplayer
Synchronous multiplayer is when players join the same server room and experience the game together in real time such as a racing game or death match.
📄️ Creating Networked Players
Learn how to create a networked Avatar or other type of player for your multiplayer Experience.
📄️ Creating Networked Items
Creating a networked item is crucial for most multiplayer games like collectible coins or shooting bullets.
📄️ Client-Server Communication
Multiplayer games usually require the server and client to have communication. This is done by creating a server-side module and client-side scripts that send events to one another.
📄️ FAQ
Here are answers to some common issues when using multiplayer in Experiences.