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Check List

Follow the Wearables creation check list to ensure that your creation conforms to the Genies Ecosystem technical guidelines. By cross-checking your 3D model and textures with this list, you can speed up the review process and reduce the approval time.

To Upload

Wearables submission requires FIVE files:

  1. assetName.fbx file
  2. assetName_AlbedoTransparency.png (4096x4096 px)
  3. assetName_MetallicSmoothness.png (4096x4096 px)
  4. assetName_Normal.png (4096x4096 px)
  5. assetName_RGBAMask.png (4096x4096 px)

3D Model Checks

Export Format

Make sure you are submitting your model as .fbx file


One asset = one model. Please make sure that your final asset is combined into one model.


  1. Please double check that your model fits the mannequin.

  2. Make sure your asset is working with our layering guides. Read the Layering Guides page for more information.

  3. The Pivot point of your asset should be at the origin of the scene (0;0;0). Make sure there are not transforms on your asset.


We have a strict polycount limitation for our digital Wearable. This secures the best in-app experience for our users.

Please make sure you follow our polycount limitations:

  • 7,500 triangles per each dress, shirt, hoodie, jacket, pants, shorts, skirt, mask, hats and shoes.
  • 2,500 triangles per glasses and earrings (both earrings together!)


Make sure the topology flow of your model is mimicking the mannequin topology.

Double check if you model has enough edge loops in the areas of high deformation.

Read the Modeling page for more information.


Your digital Wearable will be displayed in the Unity Game Engine. We advice you to create and submit your models primarily made from four sided polygons. Triangle polygons are acceptable in the areas where unavoidable. We highly advice you to avoid N-Gons (polygons with more than four edges) in your model. Per our experience, the Unity Game Engine can triangulate the n-gons, but sometimes it simply removes those creating holes in the models.

To avoid that, we highly recommend to do the N-gon check prior to your final submission.

Edge Normals

It is up to you to define the final asset look of your model. If you created a high poly model, baked the normal maps from high poly to low poly and using this normal map at the end - pleas make sure to softer all the edge normals of your model. If you are using a low poly modeling technique, please define which edge normals you’d like to be displayed as soft and which ones as hard. This information will be saved upon the .fbx file export and will affect how your asset will look in the app.

Face Normals

Make sure all the face normals of your model are facing “outside” / pointing out. This will define the final look of the asset in the app.

UV Unwrapping Checks

UV Seams

Make sure your UV shells look like a real life sewing pattern. The UV cut lines are places where the seams are on the real clothes.

Read the UV Unwrapping page to learn more about UV mapping for Wearables best practices.

One UDIM Space

All UV shells are fitted within one UDIM space ( a single UV map square).

UV Shell Scale

Make sure the scale of your UV Shells is consistent throughout the asset.

Overlapping UV Shells

Your asset should not have over lapping UV shells.

UV Shell Rotation

All the UV Shells of the digital Wearable are rotated in the same way.

Flipped UV Shells

Make sure you don’t have flipped / mirrored / inverted UV Shells. To double check that, assign a material to your Wearable and bring the UV Check maps. Make sure all the letters and numbers are readable.

If you can’t read the letters and numbers on the model, that means that you have flipped UV shells and you need to mirror those to fix them.

Texture Map Checks

Texture Map Size

All texture maps should be 4096x4096 px.

Texture Map Format

All texture maps should be in .png format.

Texture Map Names

Please make sure you are following this naming convention:

  • yourAssetName_AlbedoTransparency.png
  • yourAssetName_MetallicSmoothness.png
  • yourAssetName_Normal.png
  • yourAssetName_RGBAMask.png

Normal Map Type

Make sure you are exporting your _Normal map in OpenGL format.

RGBA Mask Check

Make sure you are using the precise colors for RGBA Mask as instructed. Double check that you started your mask from BLACK to RED to GREEN to BLUE. This color order is very important.

Read the Texturing page to learn more about RGBA Mask maps.