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Using Traits

Traits in Avatars

Traits are connected to the foundation of each user's Avatar identity. Think of these as “base stats” that describe the users’ inner-most sense of self.

Traits in Things

Traits can also be applied to Things. They can describe the "stats" of an object like a sword's attack power, a skateboard's speed, or a jacket's defense level.


Traits are currently not implemented into Things.

Traits in Experiences

Developers will be able to read and write a user's Traits inside an Experience.

Reading Traits

A developer can read all of the Trait values off of a user's Avatar.

When reading a Trait value, developers will be provided with an enum representing where a users' Trait percentage stands against global average on a 5 tier system.

  • Very High
  • High
  • Average
  • Low
  • Very Low

Writing Traits

A developer can change Trait values from a user's Avatar.

Developers can change a user's Trait by incrementing or decrementing a certain Trait by a Small, Medium, or Large value.