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Types of Traits

There are 10 different types of Traits. They are split into two different categories of Personality Traits and Physical Traits.

Personality Traits

Personality Traits are accessible in Genies Party and the Dev Kit.

  • Calm: Calmness reflects a state of tranquility, composure, and inner peace. Users with this Trait may exhibit a relaxed demeanor, patience, and the ability to remain composed in stressful situations.
  • Curious: Curiosity reflects a strong desire to explore, learn, and discover new things. Users with this Trait may ask questions, seek knowledge, and show an eagerness to try new experiences.
  • Smooth: Persuasive individuals are adept at using their communication, reasoning, and interpersonal skills to convince others to do or believe something. Persuasive individuals may have a vision they want to share with others, be easily able to get people to follow their pursuits and agendas, and be charismatic.
  • Caring: Caring individuals demonstrate affection, nurturance, and emotional connection towards others. Users with this Trait may express love, show support, and foster nurturing relationships.
  • Ambitious: Individuals who are dominating tend to control or demonstrate power over others, and may even enjoy this. Such users might exhibit competitive behavior toward others, may take up more space than others, and act entitled.
  • Dependable: Responsible individuals will feel a duty or obligation to be accountable to others, to uphold a sense of integrity, and be dependable. Responsible individuals will be generally conscientious and trustworthy, and will admit wrongdoing and make interpersonal repairs when warranted.
  • Creative: Creative individuals have a rich and lively inner world. Users with this Trait may engage in daydreaming, storytelling, or expressing themselves through various artistic mediums or innovative problem solving.

Physical Traits

Physical Traits are accessible only in the Dev Kit for gameplay.

  • Stamina
  • Strength
  • Speed