Upload Process
Please follow this process to upload your Avatar. Ensure your model is optimized and follows the recommended model requirements before proceeding. By following this detailed upload guide, you can ensure a seamless integration of your Avatar into the Genies ecosystem.
Log into Workshop Portal
- Visit the Genies Workshop portal: https://workshop.genies.com/
- Sign up or log in using your Genies Workshop account credentials.
- Once logged in, you will be directed to the dashboard.
Navigate to Upload 3D Creation
- Ensure you have your 3D Avatar model FBX and textures prepared before proceeding to the next step.
- On the Workshop Dashboard, navigate to 3D Creations on the left side panel of your screen.
- Next, select the Avatar category to begin the Avatar upload process.
Fill in the Details
- Give your Avatar a unique and descriptive name to distinguish it from other assets.
- Provide a description, including information about your design, and any additional notes relevant to your Avatar.
- Click the Next button.
Add the Model File
The upload system requires that you upload 1 FBX for your Avatar. Models must not exceed 50k triangles in total and should not exceed 5 texture sets or materials.
- Drag and drop your FBX model file into the designated upload section.
- A notification will inform you if the model exceeds the maximum texture sets allowed.
- Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service, Creator Addendum, and Genies' Privacy Policy.
- Click the Next button.
Add the Texture Sets
- Upload your texture maps (Albedo, MetallicSmoothness, Normal Map) corresponding to the assigned materials.
- An error message will appear if missing texture map is detected.
- Ensure textures are in the correct format and resolution (
, 4096 x 4096).
Review the 3D Preview
Before finalizing the upload, check the following:
- Review Your Model: Use the workshop’s built-in 3D viewer to ensure the Avatar appears as intended.
- Check for Errors: Verify that all materials and textures load correctly.
Submit for Approval
- Once satisfied with the preview, click the Submit for Approval button to finalize your upload.
- Your model will go through an automated validation process to ensure compliance with system requirements. During this stage, the status of your submission will be marked as
Pending Approval
. - If errors are detected, review the error messages and make necessary adjustments before re-submitting the files.
- Once successfully uploaded, you will receive a congratulatory message confirming your submission.
Waiting for Approval
- You can monitor your upload status under the Your 3D Creations page.
- Once approved, you will be able to preview your avatar, and your model will be eligible for integration into the Genies ecosystem.
- If your upload is rejected, follow the feedback provided and re-submit files with the necessary fixes.