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6 posts tagged with "release-notes"

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· One min read
Aaron Jauregui


It has been a while since notes have been released. There are many exciting things coming to the Genies Dev Kit in the near future!


SDK 0.0.94

  • Thing nodes have been updated

IL 0.0.12

  • Graphy tool was fixed

CLI 0.0.10

  • start-server command was fixed for Windows

· One min read
Aaron Jauregui


The Interim Launcher has a new Graphy tool so developers can see performance stats about their Experience on their device.


SDK 0.0.60

  • Fixed the default scene input for mobile devices

IL 0.0.11

  • New Graphy tool

· One min read
Aaron Jauregui


The new SDK release fixes some bugs and adds more functionality to the Audio Manager tool.


SDK 0.0.57

  • Fixed geniescli update command bug
  • Fixed SMS verification bug
  • Fixed building Experiences bug
  • Added Audio Manager tool supports for looping sound and animation clip sounds
  • Replaced the Default Scene with the ThirdPersonController default scene

· One min read
Aaron Jauregui


There has been many new tools added to the Dev Kit ready for you to use.

The CLI has also patched some issues including local server testing for iOS devices.


SDK 0.0.51

  • Add Audio Manager tool
  • Add 3rd Person Character Controller tool
  • Add 1st Person Character Controller tool
  • Add Lean Touch tool
  • Add Text Animator tool

CLI 0.0.9

  • The start-server command now works for iOS devices
  • New --version command shows the CLI version

· One min read
Aaron Jauregui


The Genies documentation is getting a brand new section for 3D Creations!

Learn how to create digital wearables to make your Genies Avatar look fashionable.


SDK 0.0.44

  • Fix issue with the refresh token for authenticating user log in

Interim Launcher 0.0.9

  • Fix issue with DoTween breaking projects

· One min read
Aaron Jauregui


Welcome to the very first release notes! These will be dropping every 1-2 weeks with updates and needed information.

This week has been busy with getting the Interim Launcher app fixed and ready for developers to test their Experiences on a mobile device.


SDK 0.0.43

  • Fixed issue with login having to be done repeatedly

Interim Launcher 0.0.8

  • Fixed issue with login having to be done repeatedly
  • Fixed issue with Scene Manager API not loading scenes

CLI 0.0.8

  • New installer GUI
    • Available for Mac Intel, Mac Apple, and Windows x64 machines (.exe and .pkg files)
    • Installing or reinstalling the Genies CLI no longer requires using the command line